Posts in SELF-CARE
Why Moms Need Other Moms: The Importance of a Mom Village and How to Create Yours

Living in a commune sounds wonderful, but it simply isn’t realistic for most moms in today’s society. However, we can still have the sense of a village without meeting at the communal fire pit. The “village” simply provides the means for Moms to connect. It puts them in eachothers’ orbit. You can do that today in many different ways. It won’t look the same as it did thousands of years ago, but as long as you’re connecting with other women, you’re achieving the same results. Understand that a village can be made up of women from all walks of life and from all over. It’s about finding pockets in your life where you can connect with other Moms.

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How to Have GREAT SEX Consistently :)

Life is special. Sex should be too. 

Are you experiencing the best sex of your life now? 

If you are! Awesome! Keep up the good work!

But maybe you have gotten off the path a bit. 

When was the last time you had FANTASTIC sex? When was the last time you connected with your partner in a physical way that made TIME STOP? 

Has it been awhile? 

Are you feeling that your sex life is struggling a bit? Are your desires being completely met? What about your partner’s desires? 

Can you look your partner in the eye and say with full confidence that you have a great sex life together? 

And…very importantly: Have you reached your sexual potential? 

If any of this strikes a chord, you are in the right place.

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How To Get Healthy, Glowing Skin...Tips from a Skincare Junkie

I am a skincare snob. I love skin.  

Not in a creepy “It rubs the lotion on its skin” kind of way but rather in a…”I am as vain as anybody else and I want my skin to glow like Bruno Mars” kind of way.

Don’t we all want glowing skin? Damn right we do.

We wear our skin EVERYDAY of our lives. So, I believe it to be something that we should INVEST in. 

We want to feel great about our skin, and I am going to tell you how!

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